Black hardcover Agenda book on wooden table

Agenda for the 174th Convention of the Diocese of California

Adopted to propose to the Convention by the Committee on Dispatch of Business on October 11th, 2023

Friday, October 27 – Meeting Online

5:00 PM | Convention Orientation Q & A

5:30 PM | Initial Report from the Committee on Nominations

5:40 PM | Break

5:50 PM | Presentations and Q&A on Resolutions 

6:35 PM | Interim Report from the Task Force on Young Adult Ministry

6:45 PM | Interim Report from the Task Force on Truth Telling, Reckoning, and Reconciliation

6:55 PM | Presentation and Q&A regarding the Bishop’s Election in December

7:30 PM | Close

Saturday, October 28 – Meeting In Person at Grace Cathedral

7:45 AM | Open for Registration, VPoll Sign-in, and Quorum Poll

8:45 AM | Welcome & Orientation

9:00 AM | Call to Order, Land Acknowledgement, Welcome

9:05 AM | Morning Prayer

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Handley Andrus – Bishop’s Address

9:45 AM | Organization of Convention Committee on Credentials Report, Quorum

9:55 AM | Report of the Committee on Canons

10:05 AM | Report of the Committee on Dispatch of Business Consent Calendar

10:15 AM | Introduction of Nominees from the Committee on Nominations

10:25 AM | First Ballot & BREAK

10:35 AM | Ballot Closes

10:40 AM | Reconvene

10:40 AM | Bishop’s Consent to the Election of a Bishop Coadjutor

10:45 AM | Report from the Standing Committee

10:55 AM | Action on Special Rules for the Electing Convention

11:10 AM | Report of the Committee on Resolutions

11:20 AM | Action on Resolution # 4 – Adding Howard Thurman to the Church Calendar

11:40 AM | Report on First Ballot

11:45 AM | New Clergy and Calls

11:55 AM | Secretary’s Announcements

12:00 PM | Gathering and Lunch on Plaza

1:00 PM | Gathering, Mid-day Liturgy

1:10 PM | Episcopal Community Services Presentation

1:20 PM | Report from the Executive Council

1:30 PM | Second Ballot

1:40 PM | Ballot Closes

1:40 PM | Action on Constitutional and Canonical Amendments

2:00 PM | Action on Resolution #3 – Legislative Themes for the 81st General Convention

2:20 PM | Secretary’s Presentation on Churchwide Constitutional Matters

2:30 PM | Action on Resolution #1 – Migration with Dignity

2:50 PM | BREAK

3:00 PM | Canon to the Ordinary’s Report

3:10 PM | Action on Resolution #2 – Addressing Gun Violence to Safeguard our Youth

3:30 PM | Report from the Task Force on Clergy Housing

3:40 PM | Action on Financial Resolutions and 2024 Budget

4:00 PM | Trans & Non-Binary Task Force Report

4:10 PM | Report on Second Ballot

4:15 PM | Additional Resolutions (if any)

4:35 PM | Announcements and Closing Prayers & Episcopal Blessing. Adjourn.