



Standing Committee

Executive Council

Secretary of the Convention

Treasurer of the Diocese

Nominations through the Committee on Nominations deadline July 29th at midnight.

Updated May 30, 2024

This page includes the positions to be filled by the 2024 Diocesan Convention, requirements for all candidates, and a job description for each position. To see the current membership of the Diocesan Committee on Nominations, visit the committee’s page.

The deadline to submit nominations is July 29th, 2024.

Nominations received after the deadline will not be accepted, individuals can be nominated from the Convention floor.

Nominators are expected to have reviewed and understand the duties of their nominees before making a nomination. Please carefully read the descriptions below.

Positions accepting nominations

Click on a position to view the full description.

Standing Committee

Elect: 2 — one lay member and one clergy member, four year terms, term begins at end of Convention

Executive Council 

Elect: 2 — at least 1 must be lay. Three year terms, term begins January 1, 2024

Secretary of the Convention

Elect: 1 (lay or clergy order) for a one year term.

Treasurer of the Diocese 

Elect: 1 (lay or clergy order) for a one year term.


Requirements for service

A candidate must be an active member of an Episcopal Church in the Diocese of California. If elected, to serve you must have:

  • Completed and/or be current in the anti-racism training offered by the Diocese of California.

  • Completed and/or be current in the Whole & Healthy Church training offered by the Diocese

Please carefully read the descriptions below.


Term of office: 4 years
(May not be reelected without at least one year break between terms)
Elect: 2 — one lay member and one clergy member (as annually required)

The Standing Committee of the Diocese of California is a body of eight people, four of whom are clergy persons and four of whom are laypersons. The Diocesan Convention elects members of the Standing Committee. Each year one new lay and one new clergy member are elected to replace retiring members. The Standing Committee serves as a council of advice to the bishop or as the ecclesial authority of the diocese in the absence of a bishop. In addition, 

“The Standing Committee is requested to give consent for all bishops elected in the Episcopal Church. It recommends persons for ordination. It gives the bishop advice and consent on the purchase, sale, or encumbrance of any property held by a congregation or the diocese. It … concurs in allowing a clergy person to cease functioning as a member of the clergy. It investigates and reports to the bishop on the charge that a deacon or priest has abandoned the Episcopal Church.” (“An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” (1999), Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors).

The Standing Committee derives its roles and responsibilities from the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church and the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of California. 

Qualities and competencies a nominee should have:

  • Knowledge of Episcopal polity and an understanding of the structure and the way in which the Diocese of California operates. It is highly recommended that individuals gain experience serving the diocese on other committees prior to running for Standing Committee.

  • The ability to listen to and absorb complex information.

  • An ability to work with others in a collaborative manner.

  • The ability to deal with difficult and confidential matters in a non-anxious way.

  • An interest in governance.

  • A belief in and willingness to engage in prayerful discernment.

  • A good sense of humour is incredibly helpful!

Other information:

Each member of the Standing Committee serves as a liaison to one of the following areas of diocesan governance: Diocesan Institutions, Commission on Ministry, Executive Council, Episcopal Elections, Nominations/Diocesan Leadership, Grace Cathedral Board of Trustees, or Executive Compensation. Additionally, the officers of the Standing Committee (President, Vice-President and Secretary) have a monthly conference call or face to face meeting with the Bishop, Chancellor and other Diocesan staff to prepare a portion of the Standing Committee Agenda.

Time expectations:

  • Newly elected members should be prepared to attend a two-day annual planning retreat each November.

  • Up to 3 hours a month for monthly Standing Committee meetings.

  • Up to 3 hours a month for liaison responsibilities with other committees.

  • Up to 5 hours a month in preparation and writing reports, depending on pending issues.

  • Standing Committee Officers have additional time commitments.

Standing Committee is committed to providing accessibility, translation, and mobility accommodations for all members. If you are interested in running for Standing Committee and have questions, please feel free to contact the Standing Committee Officers at


Term of Office: 3 years
May not be reelected without at least one year break between terms
Elect: 2 — at least 1 must be lay

Executive Council shares primary responsibility for planning and directing the temporal affairs of the diocese with the bishop and the Standing Committee, as provided by the constitution and canons of the diocese and of The Episcopal Church. Council acts for the diocesan convention between its annual meetings to implement the programs, policies and budgets convention approved. Additionally, Council serves as the board of directors of the diocesan corporation, exercising, except where canonically restricted, all the fiduciary responsibilities and powers of such a board under California law governing religious corporations. In consultation with the Department of Finance and the treasurer, Council oversees the management of the operating fund and of investments (including real estate), and develops prudent policies and procedures governing the use of diocesan funds.

The bishop is president of Council while the other members are elected to staggered three-year terms: two per deanery (one of whom must be lay), six at large by the Convention; the bishop has the right to appoint up to six members and the chancellor, treasurer, and secretary of the convention are ex officio members. Council officers are chair, vice chair, and secretary; we are elected by Council from among its elected members. It is vital that each nominee have a history of working collaboratively with clergy and lay leaders that is reflective of the Diocese of California.

Council meets on Zoom for 2 to 2.5 hours in the late afternoon/early evening of the third Tuesday of the month, excluding August.  There is also an in-person January retreat and an in-person December meeting.  

Members occasionally engage in subcommittee work.

Qualities and competencies a nominee should have:  Experience in or interest in governance, finance, legal matters, real estate, and human resources and/or organizational development are particularly relevant, although not sole qualifications.

Time expectations:  One 2 to 2.5 hour meeting per month on Zoom (no meeting in August); an annual 2 to 2.5 day in-person retreat in January; an in-person meeting in December at Grace Cathedral (parking fee is covered); and other Zoom meeting related to subcommittee work.  Most subcommittee needs that arise are short-term in nature.

Other information:
the Council has recently implemented policies to facilitate full participation of a hearing impaired member and is committed to diversity and full inclusion in its membership. It is prepared to make any necessary accommodations for persons with disabilities where possible.


Term of office: 1 year
May be reelected
Elect: 1 (any order)

At each Annual Convention, a Secretary shall be elected from among the members of the Convention or from communicants in good standing registered in a congregation of the diocese. The Secretary shall take office 60 days following the close of the Annual Convention at which such officer is elected and shall continue in office until 60 days following the close of an Annual Convention at which the Secretary’s successor is elected. The retiring Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation of the minutes of every Diocesan Convention during which the Secretary was in office. Duties include:

  • The Secretary shall appoint one or more Assistant Secretaries. In the absence of the Secretary, the duties of that office shall be performed by a person appointed by the President of Convention. The Secretary shall send to the cleric in charge of each congregation in union with the Convention forms of certificates of election of Delegates and alternates at least 30 days prior to the time appointed for any Annual or Special Convention.

  • The Secretary shall cause minutes of the proceedings to be prepared, and, after they have been approved, recorded in a book, and shall preserve the journals and records, attest the public acts of Convention, and deliver to the incoming Secretary all books and papers relating to the Convention.

  • The Secretary shall send to the Secretary of the General Convention a certificate of the election of clerical and lay deputies and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be required of the Secretary by authority of the General Convention.

  • Finally, the Secretary is ex-officio a member of the Executive Council, the Committee on Credentials, and the Committee on Dispatch of Business, as well as serving as an advisor to the Committee on Nominations and the Committee on Resolutions.

Qualities and competencies a nominee should have Good humor, fastidious attention to detail, organizational ability and capacity to communicate organizational processes to others.  Familiarity with parliamentary procedure is helpful.

Time expectations: A great deal of time is necessary for this post throughout the year, in supporting the process of developing convention business, as well as attending monthly meetings of the Executive Council.


1 year term
May be reelected
Elect: 1 (any order)

At each Annual Convention, a Treasurer shall be elected. The Treasurer of the Diocese shall be a communicant in good standing of the Episcopal Church and registered in a congregation of the diocese. The term of office of the Treasurer shall continue until the close of the next Annual Convention or until a successor is elected. When not a delegate to the Convention, the Treasurer shall, ex officio, be entitled to a seat and a voice in the Convention, but not to a vote.

The primary responsibility for the financial operations of the diocese is held by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the diocese, an employee of the diocese under the supervision of the Bishop. The Treasurer is an officer of the diocese and works closely with the diocese CFO, and serves as a financial advisor to both the Bishop and the CFO on all financial affairs of the diocese. The Treasurer is a member of the diocesan Executive Council, and attends the monthly meetings of this board to make monthly reports on the financial status of the diocese. The Treasurer also serves as the chair of the Finance Committee of the diocese, and chairs the monthly meetings of this committee. In addition, the Treasurer attends the meetings of the Investment Committee, the Audit Committee, and the Program & Budget Committee of the diocese (and normally serves as chair of the Program & Budget Committee). The Treasurer presents an annual report once a year at Convention on the financial affairs of the diocese, including the annual audited financial statements of the Diocesan Corporation and a report on the finances of the Corporation Sole.

Qualities and competencies a nominee should have: The Treasurer should have strong financial and accounting skills, and an ability to interpret, understand, and communicate information about the financial affairs of the diocese. The position also requires attendance at numerous monthly meetings during the course of the year and frequent interaction with the CFO of the diocese.

Time expectations: The time requirements for the Treasurer are considerable. The position requires attendance at numerous meetings during the year including: (1) monthly meetings of the Executive Council, (2) monthly meetings of the Finance Committee, (3) quarterly meetings of the Investment Committee, (4) periodic meetings of the Audit Committee and the Program & Budget Committee, (5) periodic meetings with the CFO and the Bishop, and (5) the annual Convention.