Nominee Biographies


Standing Committee

Executive Council

Secretary of the Convention

Treasurer of the Diocese

Nominee’s and Positions

Click on name of the nominee to be taken to thier biography.

Standing Committee

Elect: 2 — one lay member and one clergy member, four year terms, term begins at end of Convention


Gretchen Lintner


Audrey Miskelley

Executive Council

Elect: 2 — at least 1 must be lay. Three year terms, term begins January 1, 2024


Tish Busselle

George Strait

Steven Depont-Kalani


AnnaMarie Hoos

Jason Lucas-Green

Secretary of the Convention

Elect: 1 (lay or clergy order) for a one year term.

Richard Edward Helmer

Treasurer of the Diocese

Elect: 1 (lay or clergy order) for a one year term.

Lane Ringlee

Click here to read position requirements. 

Standing Commitee

Elect: 2 — one lay member and one clergy member, four year terms, term begins at end of Convention

Lay Nominees

Gretchen Lintner

Gretchen Lintner

St. Mary the Virgin

San Francisco, Deanery


  • Alpine skiing – Sugar Bowl season pass holder
  • Ballet – season tickets to SF Ballet
  • Classic cars – although my «ride» is a nearly twenty year old Volvo estate wagon.
  • Daughter to my ninety year old mother – who like me, was born and raised in San Francisco.
  • Parent to my «thirty-something» son, who lives in the Midwest and works in college football.
  • Often found wandering the galleries of the Legion of Honor and de Young museums.

Professional associations

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese


  • Altar Guild – St Mary the Virgin
  • Member of Discernment Committee, St Mary the Virgin


  • Deanery Delegate – St Mary the Virgin
  • Secretary – San Francisco Deanery
  • Member – Standing Committee, Diocese of California

Major activities beyond diocese

Most of my career was spent in commercial real estate, in San Francisco, Sacramento and the greater Chicago area.
In recent years, I have worked for Bay Area non-profits – first as Director of Operations for an LGBTQ advocacy organization, and since late 2012, for a non-profit affordable housing provider. There, I am currently tasked with contract and vendor management, oversight of commercial tenancies as well as insurance claims management.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

For our congregations – to create Vital & Thriving congregations which are truly part of their unique, individual communities.

For our Diocese – to call a Bishop who will minister to us as part of the Jesus Movement with openness to our collective needs for pastoral care, stewardship and evangelism.

For our National Church – to embrace the last months of continuing ministry of our Presiding Bishop, while looking forward to the ministry of his successor.

For the Anglican Church – to be open to the teachings of Jesus – who truly loves us all.

Why are you running for this position?

I was honored to be nominated to serve on Standing Committee and was elected to a one-year term at last year’s Diocesan convention.

After my year of service, my colleagues on the Standing Committee have determined I am worthy of re-nomination for a full four-year term, which I accepted.

I am looking forward to deepening my role on the Standing Committee, engaging in thoughtful discussions and debate within – so that we might steward our Diocese (and Bishop) through this time of change and uncertainty to a time of growth and renewal.

I appreciate your consideration in supporting my re-election.

Nominated by Robyn Amos
St. Cyprian’s, San Francisco


Clergy Nominees

Audrey Miskelley

Audrey Miskelley

Holy Cross, Castro Valley

Southern Alameda, Deanery


Family; reading; cooking; time with grandchildren; travel; learning and teaching; politics; history; all things politics; news; asking questions; listening; understanding; writing.

Professional associations

Diocese of California; Interim Association; Interfaith community.

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

I jump from parish to parish every 12 to 24 months/average. Each entry requires a quick and deep study into who they are and where they are and what they are looking for. I maintain all clerical responsibilities: preach, teach, worship, and pastoral. Guiding each parish through self inquiry, analysis, search and hiring process. Working on good and healthy practices of church governance and ministry. Diocesan committee to implement a sabbatical policy for interim clergy.

Major activities beyond diocese

Travel abroad and domestic; political activities; social justice activities; consultation.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

Our need to listen, to hear what the world needs and adapt to those needs even in the face of our unwillingness to change. The tradition of this church is deeply embedded in its European patriarchal past which has given us both a rich history and a legacy of demoralizing and growth stunting language that we must address. I love this church AND her history, I still understand the need to grow and mature from this foundation in order to explore a deeper understanding of who we are and how we can and should move forward as children of God.

Why are you running for this position?

I was asked. I have been in this diocese for approximately ten years and in this time I have served St. Stephen’s Orinda, St. Timothy’s Danville, St. Aidan’s San Francisco, St. Paul’s Walnut Creek, St. Luke’s San Francisco, St. John’s Clayton and St. Michael & All Angels Concord (now Holy Spirit), and currently Holy Cross Castro Valley. My experience in this diocese is diverse and expansive and comprehensive.

Nominated by Todd Bryant
St Timothy’s, Danville


Executive Council

Elect: 2 — at least 1 must be lay. Three year terms, term begins January 1, 2024

Lay Nominees

Tish Busselle

Tish Busselle

St. Paul’s Burlingame

Peninsula, Deanery


My current interests focus on today’s issues and challenges—examples include accelerating the work toward equity in a variety of areas such as education, housing and employment access for the under-resourced; identifying and developing community leaders representative of the communities in which we live; and replacing political and other divisiveness–accompanied often with failure to act– with respect, trust, and action. Other, more “mundane” personal interests that refresh me include reading, gardening, traveling, fishing, and fitness. And, of course, my immediate family–all of whom are fortunate to be able to live in the Bay Area.

Professional associations

Despite my graduate education in international relations and diplomacy, my professional career was devoted to education (which often required diplomacy—just not the international kind!)—from policy and legislative work at the state and federal levels to “on the ground” leadership in two school districts (12,000-13,000 students) in a variety of areas including programmatic, parent engagement, property and facilities, financial, and communications. My positions ranged from Chief of Governmental Affairs for the California Department of Education to Assistant Superintendent to, most recently, Advisor to the Superintendent for Facilities overseeing a $600 million construction and renovation program.

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

  • Senior Warden for six terms under three different rectors, the most recent of which spanned the beginning of post-pandemic emergence, 14 months of Interims, and calling of our energized and deeply spiritual new Rector. I was delighted to spend the last months of my “wardenship” supporting her transition to St. Paul’s.
  • Treasurer (2015 to current)
  • Current Ministry Teams for Property, Welcoming, Communications, and Tea n Talk (hosting gatherings for seniors) and leading two outreach ministries (Advent Giving Tree and Operation Backpacks)
  • Several Sundays during the year, one can find me greeting, ushering, lecturing, setting the Altar, or hosting coffee hours.

Major activities beyond diocese

In addition to St. Paul’s, I’ve been actively involved in my community as both a hands-on volunteer and a Board member/President of organizations whose missions and work are very close to my heart and beliefs.


  • Samaritan House ($28m. budget) which provides food, medical/dental and mental health services, and shelter to more than 7,000 clients in need; and
  • Leadership Council of San Mateo County, a non-profit “start-up” formed in 2020, dedicated to providing leadership training, issues education, and opportunities for emerging and seasoned leaders throughout the County so that they be part of addressing many of the County’s challenges.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

Focusing on three major issues will reflect who “we” are and desire to be as a community of Episcopal Churches and impact the future of churches and our communities:

  • Delving deeply and realistically into challenges, and forging new paths forward as churches in a post-pandemic world including engaging families and developing future leaders;
  • Listening to and addressing the everyday individual and shared concerns and challenges of the churches in our own Diocese; and
  • Living out our beliefs beyond our church walls to affect positive changes and help churches in the Diocese model leadership in our increasingly secular and polarized society.

Why are you running for this position?

I don’t consider being nominated for the Executive Council as “running” in the traditional electoral sense. I’m sure that there are several who have been nominated who would bring much to the Council. What I’ll “bring” is dedication to the work of the Council, an open and inquiring mind that searches for resolution and action, a commitment to open communication and respect, and a desire (and experience) to support our new leader, a willingness to collaborate with Council members to work on the challenges in the Diocese and its churches within the purview of the Executive Council’s responsibilities. Thank you.

Nominated by Sherry Lund
Christ Church, Portola Valley

George Strait

George Strait

St. paul’s, Oakland

Alameda, Deanery


I have multiple interests, but the majority of my time is spent on four. Most of my career as a science journalist focused on health disparities among Blacks. Now I co-chair the African American Wellness Project; a multi-platform project that uses various communication techniques to shine a light on these disparities, put those responsible for addressing them on notice, and provide a path forward for those victimized. Second, my wife and I are very active participants in the lives of our 4 grandsons. Third, I am a writer/editor. Last, I am an avid bike rider – 50 miles a week.

Professional associations

  • Founding member to the National Association of Black Journalists
  • Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity
  • Food and Drug Administration alumni
  • Past Chair of the Kaiser Family Foundation

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

I am a lifelong Episcopalian and have served in virtually all of its Lay positions. In this diocese I served as an acolyte, lector and Senior Warden at St. Bedes. At St. Paul’s Oakland I have been on Vestry, and served a Deanery delegate, Junior Warden, Stewardship chair, chaired the search committee for a new music director, usher, lector, sub-deacon, and co-chaired the strategic planning committee.

Major activities beyond diocese

My activities outside church mirror my interests with three additions. I am very active in my fraternity, the oldest African American group of accomplished Black men. We have an extensive mentoring program for at risk young black men. I serve and have served in a number of leadership positions that support that effort. Second, I am a book editor. Third, I play golf, or as any golfer will tell you, I try to play it.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

Remaining relevant and outreach to young people are continuing issues for this and all churches. But I see moral leadership as our major challenge/opportunity. We live in a broken country. Our very spirit is under attack. An Anglican Bishop, Desmond Tutu, led a broken country, South Africa back from the brink. Tutu exhorted Blacks and Whites, to understand and appreciate each other’s humanity. Through this they found truth and eventually reconciliation. Our church has the opportunity/responsibility to lead a moral revival here; individually and/or as part of a collective. As followers of the “Way”, our faith calls us to action.

Why are you running for this position?

I have extensive experience in governance, communications and financial management of for profit and not for profit organizations. I am running to use my experience to serve Christ, our Church, and our Diocese. We will have a new Bishop soon. I see myself supporting that person as they transition to this complex undertaking and providing advice and council to the Standing committee. In addition I hope to be a positive voice to help our Church heal our wounded world.

Nominated by Carolyn Bolton
St. Paul’s, Oakland

Steven Depont-Kalani

Steven Depont-Kalani

Episcopal Church St. Mary the Virgin

San Francisco Deanery


Politics, tennis, gardening, parks and recreation, dogs, and travel

Professional associations

I am a member of the Parks and Recreation Open Space Advisory Committee (PROSAC), the Outer Mission Merchants and Residents Association (OMMRA), McLaren Collaborative, the Excelsior Collaborative, past co-chair of the vehicle Triage Center at Balboa Park BART Station, Mission Inn Community Group (housing for the homeless disadvantaged), board member of Life Frames, Inc. (A Living Library)

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

Attended St. Luke’s. I was a member of the adult parish choir, was choir librarian, served on the stewardship committee, served as a Vestry Member, served as a Deanery Delegate, was on the search committee for an associate rector, chaired the flower committee, and worked briefly as parish administrator.

Presently, I attend The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary the Virgin for over 20 years. I am a member of the parish choir, Altar Guild, Flower Committee, Convener of our Deanery Delegation, served and chaired Home for Christmas (Tidings Comfort and Joy) raising money for Episcopal shared agencies, and a LEM.

Major activities beyond diocese

See above. Tennis, dogs, parks, open space, travel, and family.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

Church attendance, church viability, church sustainability. I believe in the Episcopate and look to strengthen it.

Why are you running for this position?

To continue advocacy in this church and in the diocese. My LOVE for this Diocese.
I am running to fulfill my position on the Executive Council for the next three years.

Nominated by Steven Depont-Kalani
St. Mary the Virgin, San Francisco

Clergy Nominees

AnnaMarie Hoos

AnnaMarie Hoos

Church of the Epiphany, San Carlos

Peninsula Deanery



    • Intergenerational worship and faith formation
    • Liturgies outside of Sunday mornings – Evening Eucharists, Compline, Supper Services, Beach Eucharists, etc
    • Building community around food

Policy Interests:

    • Affordable housing, including protections for renters
      increasing access to public transit, decreasing fossil fuel dependency
      climate resiliency
    • LGBTQ+ inclusion, particularly for trans children and youth


    • Working at farmers’ market on occasion, cooking with friends
    • Canning, pickling & preserving the market’s’ bounty
    • Buying more books than I can read, particularly poetry, nonfiction, science fiction, commentaries
      needlework, knitting

Professional associations

    • FORMA – Network for Christian Formation
    • Associate Member of the Iona Community
    • Faith in Action Bay Area
    • Peninsula Solidarity Cohort
    • Music that Makes Community

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese


    • Associate Rector for Children, Youth & Families at Epiphany, San Carlos, 2021-present
    • Member – DioCal Disaster Preparedness Committee 2021-present
    • Member – Task Force on Clergy Housing,
    • Member – Task Force on Young Adult Ministry


    • Alternate Lay Deptuty to General Convention, 2015 & 2018
    • Deanery Delegate from Grace Cathedral, then St. Gregory»s, 2002-2016
    • Standing Committee (Lay), 2011-2013; ex officio to Commission on Ministry, 2012; ex oficio to
    • Executive Council 2013
    • Led contemplative evening services at St. Gregory’s & Grace Cathedral, and child-centered intergenerational worship at St. Gregory’s
    • Communication and Program Planning Associate, Office of the Congregation, Grace Cathedral, 2009-2016

Major activities beyond diocese

    • 2003-2016: San Francisco Night Ministry as a Crisis Line Counsellor and Trainer; also served on the board
    • General Convention 2018: Served on the House of Deputies Special Committee on Sexual Harassment and Exploitation Subcommittee on Theology and Language
    • Served 2 years during seminary at a VA congregation that redeveloped its property into low-income housing, including building a new, smaller church
    • Communications Associate for Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary, 2017-2019

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

    • Sustaining connection and community as we continue to live with the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic
    • Serving the diverse, even disparate pastoral and program needs of multi-generational congregations
    • Finding new ways, forms, even times to be church while sustaining liturgies, programs and practices that feed the long-time faithful
    • Preparing, spiritually and ethically, to face the climate crisis
    • Developing diocesan structures that support the current and emerging needs of our congregations
    • Identify creative, sustainable models for using, re-imagining, even re-developing church buildings/property
    • Clergy housing costs
    • Anxiety, grief and burnout among lay and clergy leadership
    • Underinvestment in young adults and campus ministry

Why are you running for this position?

My time on the Task Force on Clergy Housing this year made it clear that addressing this issue will require long-term, diocesan-level planning and investment — responsibilities partly held by the Executive Council. Rather than sitting back and having opinions, I thought I should offer to participate in the work of wrestling with how we steward and invest our resources for a changing future, and support struggling congregations. I am eager to work with the EC and the new bishop to find a way for Episcopal congregations to support one another, serve God, and thrive in our unique context.

Nominated by Sarah Lawton
St. John the Evangelist, San Francisco

Jason Lucas-Green

Jason Lucas-Green

St. Ambrose, Foster City

Peninsula, Deanery


  • Canon Law of Episcopal Church
  • Church Administration/Finance
  • Liturgy
  • Pastoral Care

Professional associations

  • Societas Liturgica
  • International Anglican
  • Liturgical Consultation

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

I am new to the diocese and am looking to get involved with the greater diocese.

Major activities beyond diocese

  • Liturgical studies
  • Treasurer for Societas Liturgica

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

  • Funding of churches
  • Declining growth
  • Strong Engagement with Mission

Why are you running for this position?

I am running this position because I have been working in financial world for many years and I feel that I can bring my gifts to the diocese. I would like to serve on the diocesan «board of directors» to help bring a voice for our LGBT+ and Hispanic communities as I am a member of these communities.

Nominated by Jason Lucas-Green
St. Ambrose, Foster City

Secretary of the Convention

Elect: 1 (lay or clergy order) for a one year term.

Clergy Nominee

Richard Edward Helmer

Richard Edward Helmer

Church of Our Saviour

Marin, Deanery


Spirituality & Religious Life
Piano & Chamber Music
Science Fiction
Church Calendars
Web Programming

Professional associations

The Brotherhood of Saint Gregory (professed member since 2013) – an Anglican/Episcopal vowed religious community

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

Deputy to General Convention, 2015 & 2024
Alternate Deputy to General Convention, 2009, 2012, 2018, 2022
Secretary, House of Deputies Resolutions Review Committee, 2015-present
Appointed to the Standing Commission on Governance and Structure, Constitution and Canons, 2018-2021
Minister Provincial (Province 8/West) of the Brotherhood of Saint Gregory, 2015-2018
Secretary to the Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries Council, 2003-2006

Major activities beyond diocese

We are in the midst of a profound changes in the life of the Church both institutionally and spiritually. These changes demand, in Jesus’ teachings in Matthew, that we “bring out of our treasure what is new and what is old” to help us adapt for renewed mission and ministry with God’s people and all creation. God’s people and creatures are under pressure from a resurgent authoritarianism, a climate in growing crisis, and social institutions under constant threat. We are called to bring the Gospel and our shared wisdom forward to help renew our shared life with the world’s.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

We are in the midst of a profound changes in the life of the Church both institutionally and spiritually. These changes demand, in Jesus’ teachings in Matthew, that we “bring out of our treasure what is new and what is old” to help us adapt for renewed mission and ministry with God’s people and all creation. God’s people and creatures are under pressure from a resurgent authoritarianism, a climate in growing crisis, and social institutions under constant threat. We are called to bring the Gospel and our shared wisdom forward to help renew our shared life with the world’s.

Why are you running for this position?

I have been deeply honored to serve as Secretary of the Convention through the pandemic years, helping us adapt to the challenge of meeting virtually. I bring to this work my passion for our common ministry, expanding our diversity as a body, cultivating sound democratic governance, working together to forge new vision for the local and wider Church, and sustaining a deep love for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our shared traditions. This year, we face the challenge of regathering in person electing a new bishop. I would be honored to serve again in this season of transition.

Nominated by Emily Hopkins
St. Paul’s, Walnut Creek

Treasurer of the Diocese

Elect: 1 (lay or clergy order) for a one year term.

Lay Nominee

Lane Ringlee

Lane Ringlee

St. Stephens, Orinda

Contra Costa, Deanery


My interests outside of work, family and church have included volunteer activities (primarily oriented around food insecurity). In addition, I am particularly interested in American and European history literature and am an avid cyclist.

Professional associations

I have had professional involvement with the National Association of Corporate Directors and NYSE Governance Services, where I have had speaking opportunities. More recently, my research has been published in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance. In the past, my research has also been published in Risk & Compliance Magazine in addition to other professional publications.

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

For the Diocese, I completed a 3-year term on Executive Council in 2019 as Chair and served on the search committee for our chief financial officer search. I have been a member of Finance Committee since 2019 and Treasurer of the Diocese beginning in 2021.

For St. Stephens, most recently I was a member of the rector search committee and currently participate on our usher team. I’ve also participated on our discernment committee that has worked with several divinity school students during their path to ordination.

Major activities beyond diocese


In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

I continue to see three issues facing all churches at this time. We are experiencing greater levels of discord and divergence (political, economic and theological) than before. The challenge for TEC is to ensure for those seeking a relationship with God that we make certain our Church welcomes all. Related, we see discriminatory practices evident in ordination and membership in other churches that impacts broader views of religion. To remain as vital parts of our communities, our churches need to identify area to implement God’s community through support of local needs.

Why are you running for this position?

I want to continue deepening my involvement in the Diocese and helping support our congregations. We are faced with the continued challenges and trends that have emerged from the Pandemic, and the strains on our congregations. These may not ease, and I hope I can support our Diocese by continuing our path to increased efficiency of resources provided to clergy and congregations by the Diocese, and continue to look for areas to ease the financial burden on our congregations. I believe my professional background and work with organizations on governance and financial issues will assist me in accomplishing this.

 Nominated by Chip Larrimore
Christ Church, Sausalito