October 28, 2023



Convention exhibition space returns with the 174th convention in-person!

Where to find the exhibitors on the Saturday of Convention:

You can find this year’s exhibitors in the Chapter room across the plaza during the Saturday of Convention!

Exhibitors at this year’s convention include:

Diocesan Disaster Preparedness and Response Committee

Global Companions Commission

All Saints Company Society of St Francis, San Damiano Friary

St. Columba’s Episcopal Church & Retreat House

Campus Ministries of the Diocese of California

Two Books: Women who knew Jesus and Mary Magdalene, A Disciple and Friend of Jesus School for Deacons

Open Monastery

Braid Mission

Church Insurance

Are you an exhibitor?

After three years of virtual conventions, we are pleased to welcome everyone back to Grace Cathedral for our in-person Diocesan Convention. If you are interested in having a table at this year’s convention, please fill out this form. Registration is free, but space is limited. Because of limited space, we will only be able to offer each organization or ministry a single table. We will be gathered in the Chapter Room at Grace Cathedral.

Set-up / Load-in will begin from 10 a.m. til 3 p.m. on Friday, October 27, and the room will open again at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 28. Vendors are asked to clear down their space by 5 p.m. on Saturday. The room will be locked overnight. Parking at Grace is very limited, so plan your load-in and take-down accordingly.

Register now!

Should you have questions, please contact Cn. J. Davey Gerhard at daveyg@diocal.org

Our maximum number is 12. If the registration form is closed, it is because we have reached that number of registrations. Please email Cn. Davey Gerhard at daveyg@diocal.org to be placed on a waiting list. If there are any more tables available or cancellations, he will be in touch with you.